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    2016 Alabama SHRM State Conference & Exposition

    Date: May 17-18, 2016
    Alabama State Council
    Birmingham Sheraton and Birmingham Jefferson Civic Complex in the Uptown District
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    Make plans today to join us for the 2016 ALSHRM State Conference and Exposition at the Birmingham Sheraton and Birmingham Jefferson Civic Complex in the Uptown District on May 17th & 18th!  

    The Alabama SHRM State Conference and Exposition is Alabama's signature gathering of HR professionals.

    In 2015 over 575 human resource professionals and like-minded affiliates come together for an exceptional experience with participants from virtually every industry representing companies ranging from small businesses to large corporate centers.

    ALSHRM's leadership remains committed to delivering on a conference experience that will educate, inspire and connect HR professionals through high quality industry expert presenters, interactive networking opportunities and enhanced conference accommodations.

    This year's conference theme is "Discover Your Inner Super Hero" featuring inspiring professional development and networking for professionals across our region.

    The Conference supplies a two-day concentrated professional development period to obtain affordable and easily accessible continue education credits for both the HR Certification Institute certification and SHRM Competencies certification.  Hosted in our state's largest convention complex conveniently located next to Starwood Hotels & Resorts accommodations located in the exciting Uptown District in Birmingham we believe the conference offers an unmatched value proposition in the Southeast for you to obtain quality professional development in 2016.

    Our two day conference is going to cover topics such as employment law, talent acquisition, change management, communication barriers, and engagement!  In 2015, our conference was approved for 10.25 general SHRM and HRCI credits with 2.5 business/strategic and 1.25 GPHR re-certification credits with HRCI.