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Existing Members
Benefits of Membership
- Exposure to other HR professional and companies, revealing how other organizations handle various human resource situations, procedure, policies.
- A network of professionals and specialists providing access to HR information that might otherwise be difficult and/or expensive to obtain.
- Relationships and contacts in other companies to share information on HR concerns.
- Recognition as a leader who has commitment to the HR profession and is willing to give back to help others in the profession.
- Up-to-date information provided by guest speakers on a variety of HR- and business-related topics.
- A network of individual professionals and specialists – our members represent a broad range of HR knowledge and years of experience within the profession.
Membership Categories
Professional Member: Individuals engaged in human resource management with at least 3 years of experience at the exempt level; any individual certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute; any college faculty member/administrator with 3 or more years experience in HR or related field; or a full-time consultant or employment law/management attorney.
General Member: Individuals engaged in human resource management who do not meet the 3 year experience requirements of Professional Membership as described above.
Associate Member: Individuals who do not meet the requirements of professional or general membership and have an affiliation with the human resource profession.
Student Member: Individuals who are current members of an active SHRM student chapter and who are pursuing a course of learning leading to employment in the human resources field or closely related professions. Annual membership dues are waived for student members.
Honorary Member: Any person so designated by the Board of Directors.
Annual Membership Dues
Annual Membership dues are $30 for SHRM members (National) and $45 for non-SHRM members. Payment is due after membership is approved by the Board and every following January. Dues are payable in advance.
Membership dues may be prorated for the fourth quarter.
Join Now!
If you are interested in becoming a part of our chapter, please complete our membership application.
National SHRM Membership
In addition to becoming a member of our chapter, we also would like to encourage you to consider expanding your membership by joining the national SHRM organization to have access to some of the best HR resources available. This includes free HR publications, online resources, express answers to HR questions, toolkits, and much more!
Join SHRM at a Special Discounted Rate!
New, first-time members of SHRM can join online using the promotional code CHSED for a reduced rate of $145.
That’s only about 39 cents a day!
Go to and enter the code CHSED into the promotional code space on the application.